Condo in El Pedregal Cabo with terrace

Condo in El Pedregal, with terrace, gym, solarium, pool and clubhouse with spa, pre-construction., Los Cabos, Baja California Sur

Condo for Sale in El Pedregal Cabo San Lucas Condo at El Pedregal, Cabo San Lucas, for sale, with terrace, gym, solarium, pool, and clubhouse with spa, in a gated neighborhood with facilities and access to the seaside, a contemporary structure with spacious terraces makes it ideal to enjoy an indoor/outdoor lifestyle. From the Los…

Vista Vela Cabo San Lucas

Vista Vela Cabo San Lucas Los Cabos Mexico

MLS Real Estate Homes and Condos for Sale in Los Cabos BCS Baja California Sur Mexico Enjoy the beautiful views of the Sea of ​​Cortez in a Vista Vela Cabo San Lucas Houses or Condos, a place that will be yours and from where you can enjoy the best views and the best sunsets that you…