Condo in El Pedregal Cabo with terrace

Condo in El Pedregal, with terrace, gym, solarium, pool and clubhouse with spa, pre-construction., Los Cabos, Baja California Sur

Condo for Sale in El Pedregal Cabo San Lucas Condo at El Pedregal, Cabo San Lucas, for sale, with terrace, gym, solarium, pool, and clubhouse with spa, in a gated neighborhood with facilities and access to the seaside, a contemporary structure with spacious terraces makes it ideal to enjoy an indoor/outdoor lifestyle. From the Los…

luxurious three-bedroom condo with a panoramic view

Condominium with access to the beach amenities, in Cabo San Lucas, pre-sale

Condo for Sale in Cabo San Lucas In a gated community with access to the beach and upscale facilities, a three-bedroom condo with a panoramic view is available in Cabo San Lucas, A luxurious property with a pool and facilities is located in one of Cabo San Lucas’ most prestigious neighborhoods and is bordered by…