Arch of Cabo San Lucas

The Famous Los Cabos Arch

Los Cabos Arch is the number one attraction to this resort destination nothing brings more pride to Los Cabos Mexico than this, one of the most worldwide known landmark that
Itself represents what this place has to offer, wild natural attractions at the very tip of the Baja California Mexico.

Los Cabos Arch Activities
Aries Water Sports

It is a natural rock formation have been part of countless postals and shared pictures for years, due one particularity.
Every few years, about three years, due the sea of cortez and pacific ocean courrents, accumulates a big amount of sand beneat the rock formation and all around, making it even able to walk around and cross it, making this event material for thousands of pictures and postals that share this natural event worldwide, putting this destination
In the eye of adventurers and experience lovers for decades.


Los Cabos Arch is at the Finisterra the Baja California Lands End

Located at the tip of the Baja California Sur, at the Lands end the small tip that separates the Pacific Ocean from the Sea of Cortez.

Cabo San Lucas Arch
Many tours are offered since the moment you arrive to this destination, marking it that your visit is not complete if you don’t take a tour to know it.
It could be a daytrip tour or a sunset cruise or a water taxi that can take you close to this attraction, some can drop you on a beach located behind that is Lovers Beach.
It is also accesible walking by the rocks next to the Solmar Resort.
You have to climb a few rocks to get it, a little challenging but easy.
Next to the rock formation, there is a sea lion colony, bringing a tour some more interesting and fun to watch tour of those beautiful animals.
Along with many endemic birds and fish thru the crear waters of the sea of cortez.


When can you walk under?

Anytime of the year is great to take a boat tour with the esception of the times which a local storm a tropical storm or hurriacan is close making the sea dangerous for  navigation, specially for small vessels.

Lovers Beach Snorkeling
They close the port to any boats to go out and besides the high and hash sea conditions.

Big crashing waves hit the Rocks making not also difficult to reach but also, very  dangerous.

Past years like 2016 was the last time, people were able to walk under and around the arch, that time becomes very popular.

Tour to see it is a must in your vacations

Visiting and not taking at least a pictur is like a visit to paris without visiting the eiffel tower.
The colisseum in rome and the big ben in London.

Kayak to Lovers Beach cabo

Next time you are in vacations, don’t miss the chance to visit this attraction there will be hundred of invitations to take a tour almost since the momment you hop off the plane.
Make it even better combining it with a whale watching tour
A snorkeling tour combined with visits to different beaches around.
A fun booze cruise or pirate ship tour with many fun activities.
Or a nice and romantic sunset cruise.