Best Dive Shops Cabo San Lucas Mexico

Welcome to some of the Dive Shops Cabo San Lucas where you can get all the equipment and local experts advice for scuba diving to enjoy the best attractions in Los Cabos Mexico and the Baja.

Best Dive Shops Cabo San Lucas Mexico

Scuba diving by itself, was one of the top activities that put Los Cabos in the map as a great tourist

destination, along with the sportfishing and the beautiful landscapes, scenaries and beaches.

Decadws ago when the reknown Jaques Costeau went to Los Cabos, more exactly, the Sea of Cortez, where he soon

denominated as ” the aquarium of the world” which draw the attentiin of many scuba diving proffesionals as

well as some aficionados to this locations.

By now, the UNESCO has set a natural protected area

Downtown Cabo San Lucas Dive Shops

There are a few shops scattered around town, by the marina, and close to downtown, where they have all the needed

equipment and space enought to train and give certifications, usually in a small pool.

Doesn’t matter how small is the pool, a larger spot is needed, that is why they are located a few blocks from

the main places, and perhaps, out of sight, so look close for directions.

One of the top activities in Los Cabos Mexico

Right under the arch, besides all the natural wildlife deep under, the cascades of sand, that we know,

it is a seasonal event, which occurs when the accumulation of sand in the top side of the Stone Arch forms a

small sand bank, which make it able to walk under and around safely around the rock formation.

This sand start falling into the deep waters forming an interesting sandfall.

Other than that, we are not for shure when is the best time to enjoy of the fishes,

maybe they are in a better mood on summertime (lol).

Find the best Dive Shops Cabo San Lucashas to offer this season

Come to Cabo and enjoy of their vest attractions, we are shure you will have some of the

best experiences in your vacations.

Wether going to the Arch or other locations, this places are going to be some of the places it worth visiting.